Discordia finds a home at Bad Bug!
Discordia will continue at Bad Bug!
Granite State Punk!
Finished up Granite State Punk! 2021, written and produced by Travis Gibb. A rock rock look and addiction, family trauma and magic!
Chtulhu Invades Wonderland now live on kickstarter! A 200 page anthology in which Kris Jerome and Patrick Buermeyer contributed a short story!
Discordia issues 00-02 fully funded!
In partnership with Dark Tidings Press and Kickstarter we have fully funded Discordia, a scifi horror noir on going series! More info on the Discordia website
Apocrypha and the Rotted lyre 01!
Apocrypha and The Rotted Lyre issues 01 both funded and available through kickstarter! Both titles explore short stories and world building within the dark and gloomy world of Discordia
Lifeline 2019, a collaborative comic by Nandor Fox available on Amazon and other retailers
Tarnished kickstarter now live!
Tarnished - A Tale of Gods and Men is now live on kickstarter! Kris from over at Dark Tidings press has launched the kickstarter and we're rearing to go and get this puppy finished! Go check it out, consider backing and if you can't giving us some love on the socials and to your IRL friends would mean the world! There are tons of great rewards for backing and as indie creators we need your help in making this book a reality.

Check out Kris Jerome and Patrick Buermeyer's prologue zero issue of Discordia, The Frowning Man, is now up on Webtoons.
Society of Smiles
Society of Smiles, in collaberation of Benet Simon and Markosia, is now available through Comixology and Drive Through Comics
Wizard World 2019!
Come say hi at the Portland convention center Feb 22-24 at Wizard World Portland!
Come say hi at Eucon 2018
Come say hi at AJ2 at EUCON in Eugene, OR, 2018
New prints!
After spending a lot of time just doing line art and working with colorist I've gotten around to brushing up on photoshop skills and started doing my own coloring and digital paintings! Check 'em out.
Line art and color by Patrick Buermeyer, 2018
Line art and color by Patrick Buermeyer, 2018
Prints for Wizard world portland!
So grateful to have gotten the fantastic John Rauch to work on some colors for my Wizard World Portland prints! Come check 'em out and say hi on April 13-15 in Portland OR.
Pencils and inks by Patrick Buermeyer, colors by John Rauch, 2018
Pencils and inks by Patrick Buermeyer, colors by John Rauch, 2018
fantastic colors by John Rauch!
Yuletide Blues: Exile,
Pencils and inks Patrick Buermeyer, color by John Rauch, 2017 (upcoming)
Pencils and inks Patrick Buermeyer, color by John Rauch, 2017 (upcoming)
new concept art for Dark tidings press!
I just finished up some concept work for Kirs Jerome for his upcoming work from Dark Tidings Press LLC! If you like what you see take a look at Kris's, and Dark Tidings, previous publications.
Line art by Patrick Buermeyer, colors by Davi Comodo, 2017
Line art by Patrick Buermeyer, colors by Davi Comodo, 2017
Crystal's ODyssey has been kickstartered!
The first issue of Crystal's Odyssey has been kickstartered and is off to the presses! Jordan King's Crystal's Odyssey illustrated by myself colors by Davi Comodo!
read T&A Investigations now on Completely different comics.com
T&A was a short I worked with Sean Arnold for Completely Different Comics and can be found and read here,
Here's a sneak peak of page one!
Here's a sneak peak of page one!
ViCe is blasting onto print at Comiccons near you!
My short story VICE, has been picked up by WP Comics, to be published in their upcoming sci-fi anthology series Tales from Orbit! More info at their facebook here, https://www.facebook.com/talesfromorbit/?__mref=message_bubble
ELdest goes to Print!
One of my earliest shorts, Eldest, written by Eric Callahan and illustrated by my self has been picked up and will be featured in WP Comics horror anthology, The Chronicles of Terror!
Demonified Kickstarter live now! Be part of the awakening!
I am excited to announce the kickstart for Demonified issue #1, written by Stefan Gorneau which can be found here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/898297242/demonified-a-kings-tale
Crystal's odyssey issue#1 coming soon!
Look out for my first ongoing series, Crystal's Odyssey written by Jordan King, coming later 2016!
Check Out the short"CHeap Tools"
Finished up my comic short, Cheap Tools, written by Jermey Nichols, which will be appearing in the Vast Expanse #2 coming soon! See more of Striver and more of his chopper and chases down them bounty heads! More info here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1120046778/vast-expanse-1
"Dante, to kill a demon" Halo commission
Halo Spartan commission 11x17, ink on bristol, 2016
COMMISSIONS /Pin ups 2015
Pin ups and commissions from 2015. Biker Wolverine, 11x15 ink on paper, Knock out Lee Sin, 11x17, ink on paper, Spike in the Rain, 11x15, ink on paper, Joe Golem in Rapture, 11x15, ink on paper, Why We Fight, Halo character portrait, 11x15, ink on paper.
Ride is a short, short racing story following the brief seconds of an illegal street race set in a not so distant dystopian future, written by Eric Callahan, art and letters by Patrick Buermeyer.
5 pages, ink on 11x17 bristol
5 pages, ink on 11x17 bristol
Eldest is a short horror comic following the exploits of a young group of friends ski trip gone wrong once the insidious influence of an ancient diary leads them astray. Written by Eric Callahan and Art and letters by Patrick Buermeyer
10 pages, ink on bristol, 2015
10 pages, ink on bristol, 2015
This short sci fi fantasy piece follows an aging detective and his struggles with his environment and with substances. Written by Patrick Buermeyer, Art and letters by Patrick Buermeyer.
5 pages, ink on 11x17 bristol, 2015
5 pages, ink on 11x17 bristol, 2015
Wander is my second major comic project. We started working on in fall 2015 and completed it summer 2015. It follows the story of Jiro, I a past his prime ronin in a post apocalyptic wasteland world seeking revenge for the death of his sister years before at the hands of a mysterious swords man with a sinister smile. It is also hosted here http://tapastic.com/series/Wander1 on Tapastic.com. Written Eric Callahan, art and letters by Patrick Buermeyer
38 pages, ink and ink wash on 11x17 bristol, 2015
38 pages, ink and ink wash on 11x17 bristol, 2015
Wander Gallery show.
This is my most recent series that I did for a show featuring characters from the book I have collaborating with my good friend and counterpart Eric Callahan. These are pin ups of some of the main characters.
All are done in pencil, ink and ink wash on 11x17-24x36 bristol, 2015
All are done in pencil, ink and ink wash on 11x17-24x36 bristol, 2015
THE map.
The Map was my very first venture into illustration and comics. I did it as part of my final project for Andy Meyers Drawing IV class at OSU. Its written and illustrated by myself and was a ton a fun working on. The characters and story is something I've been kicking around for years. All of the characters and events are loosely based on my younger brother and my's D&D characters.
28 pages, ink and wash on 11x17 paper, 2014
28 pages, ink and wash on 11x17 paper, 2014